Big, Big News + My Favorite Links from This Week

Moving to Toronto | Art in the Find

We're Moving! | Image via Etsy

Remember during my Year in Review post when I said that 2015 is going to be a big year??! Well, the first of a few big announcements is that Clint and I are moving to Toronto, Canada.  Yup, we're leaving the 72 degree weather of San Diego for the land of celsius, maple syrup, and hockey.  It's been a whirlwind here around the Art in the Find house because we found out just a couple of weeks' back and now we're putting things in boxes.

I've been trying to put together a post over the last week but folks, putting this move into words is just hard.  I'm a bottle of excitement, anticipation, sentimental, bittersweet feelings, and sense that this move holds great things for us.  For those of you who know me, you know that traveling is something a big part of what makes me me and I view leaving my comfort zone (i.e. the great state of California, where I've lived my whole life..) with a sense of adventure.  I don't get nervous, I get excited.  But I also get mushy and sentimental when I think of leaving all our little San Diego things behind.  ("It's the last time I'll try this...It's the last time I'll eat that..."  You get it.)

But I have a plan for moving to Toronto (hum, must be the A-type in me...) and it's already started to formulate.  I've heard such great things about this big city we're headed for (read: 5.5 million people live there!), received lots of good tips, and started a notebook with tabs for neighborhoods, bloggers I hope to get to know, restaurants to try, etc...

I hope you'll follow me on our moving to Toronto adventures where I'll be sharing new style ideas, new creative ventures, and new styling opportunities.  I plan to continue to blog and work on building my styling business.  I'd love for you to share your experiences with a big move, advice if you know anything about Toronto, and great day & weekend trips that Clint I should take while we live there.  Let's hear it, I'm all ears!!


In other news...| Favorite Links from this Week |

1 | I'm in clean up, clean out, and organize mode.  Here are 3 helpful tips for organizing your clutter. | Apartment 34

2 | In fashion news, Banana Republic is going to show at NYFW for the first time! | Fashionista 

3 | Loving this interview from woman of style, editor of Vogue Japan, Anna Dello Russo. | Rachel Zoe

4 | Thrifting is such a fun adventure and when you find that special piece, oh the joy! Want a few pointers on how to thrift successfully?  Here are a few tips for thrifting like a champ! | Verily Mag

5 | I'm always open to advice from successful ladies.  Here are 10 tips for keeping yourself and your business on the right track. | Lauren Conrad

6 | I know it's winter but I'm sandal shopping like crazy!  My favorites?  These Kate Spade astra sandals and these J.Crew Cyprus sandals

7 | Looking for another excuse for brunch?  Here are 3 lovely brunch ideas. | The Everygirl 

8 | The Oscars is one of my favorite red carpet moments in Hollywood.  Here is the list of nominees for this year's Academy Awards. | WWD


 | What You May Have Missed This Week on Art in the Find |

Style | A fabulous $590 Nordstrom gift card giveaway + a little tulle outfit too! (Giveaway ends on Sunday)

Shopping on a Budget | 4 Affordable Winter Outfits!


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