The Style File, Abby Matses of Proper Paper

The Style File: Interviews with everyday women to get their take on what everyday style means

Welcome to our second edition of The Style File.  I started this series earlier this month as a way to highlight the different styles of everyday women.  I love this series.  I truly believe that we all can feel comfortable developing individual style but it just takes a bit of awareness and practice!  Paying attention to what makes it work is the first place to start.  These question & answer interviews are meant to start an style dialog to help you navigate the world of style!

This week, I'm pleased to introduce Abby Matses.  Abby has a minimally beautiful canvas with which she works. She has a Boston-based paper business she's coined Proper Paper.  Her simplistic Instagram palate is dotted with bits of color here and there that create a perfect style blend.  Welcome to the blog, Abby!  I'm thrilled to interview you for today's Style File.

The Style File on Art in the Find, a candid interview asking everyday women simple (but often complex!) questions about their everyday style. Meet this week's style file maven, Abby Matses

The Style File on Art in the Find, a candid interview asking everyday women simple (but often complex!) questions about their everyday style. Meet this week's style file maven, Abby Matses

The Style File on Art in the Find, a candid interview asking everyday women simple (but often complex!) questions about their everyday style. Meet this week's style file maven, Abby Matses

The Style File: Abby Matses

Abby, I'm so happy to have you on Art in the Find!  As a style blogger and entrepreneur, do you have a helpful rule, tool, or tip (something you follow without even realizing it, perhaps) that helps you pull it together everyday?

Over the years I’ve learned to dress for my body. Pick items that flatter your shape, rather than trying to make all trends work. For me that means items that emphasize my waist like midi skirts. I always think it’s better to do a couple things fabulously, rather than try to conquer too many different things.

I completely agree!  One thing I love to help people with is trying to make the most out of getting ready quickly in the morning.  If you had to leave the house in a flash, you wouldn't dare leave without putting on ________?

Statement sunnies! I pick a bold frame to play up my dark hair. If they remind me of Jackie O, I buy them! 

Oh, I love a great pair of sunnies!  There are some fun ones out nowadays.  I am in such awe of watching trends when they hit the streets.  Where do you think that most of our 'trends' begin?

History. Everything we see is informed by the trends of generations before us. For example, take the chokers that are popular right now, and then look at a picture of Marie Antoinette and see something similar. Ribbon chokers were quite popular in the 18th century as well. I studied art history in college, so I’m always drawing connections between past and present. 

A woman's closet is like a gateway to her soul, don't you think?  But often, these parts can be neglected.  Do you have any sort of organizational method for your closet that works for you?

I have two closets at the moment. I put my casual items in one, and dressier items in the other. This way, I don’t have to sort through things that aren’t appropriate for the day.

 What? Two closets!?  Isn't that every gals dream!  It's like a Carrie Bradshaw moment, isn't it?  I like the idea of casual vs. dressy as an organizational method.  Switching gears, there are so many beauty products out there, what do you find is a tried and true beauty product you love?

Oh gosh, do I have some favorites! I’ve been loving matte lip stains, and Chanel’s Rouge Double Intensite in Tender Beige is on repeat. For glamorous, fluttery eyelashes, Lorac’s Special Effects Prime & Define Mascara works wonders.

 I'll have to give that Mascara a try, Abby.  I'm always looking for a bit more definition when it comes to lashes.

Thank you so much Abby for sharing some of your personal style, some of your beauty tips, and a little honestly for the Style File! Follow Abby on Instagram to get a great take on her style & biz!  Check out our very first style file interview with California casual Natalie Borton of Thoughts by Natalie. 


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