Styling a Floral Pencil Skirt

floral-pencil-skirt-shopbop, art-in-the-find, summer-style

floral pencil skirt with a twist | photography Elizabeth in Love

Styling A Floral Pencil Skirt for Work

Dashing off to work in the summer can be a bit of a challenge with the warmer temperatures.  That's why one of my favorite summer work outfits is this floral pencil skirt.  Paired with a great collared sleeveless top (perfect for wearing under a cardigan when the indoor air conditioning keeps the room cool...), a floral pencil skirt works perfectly.

floral-pencil-skirt-shopbop, floral-pencil-skirt, art-in-the-find

floral-pencil-skirt-shopbop, floral-pencil-skirt, art-in-the-find

floral-pencil-skirt, shopbop, art-in-the-find

floral-pencil-skirt-shopbop, floral-pencil-skirt, art-in-the-find

floral-pencil-skirt, shopbop, art-in-the-find

floral-pencil-skirt-shopbop, art-in-the-find


This floral pencil skirt is a new favorite of mine because of the great ruffle cut-out on the back of the skirt.  I have a thing for wearing pencil skirts but I especially love the print of a floral pencil skirt pattern.  It's a print that you can get away with wearing almost all year long (tights in the winter, sleeveless in the summer).

I've had this purple gingham top for a while now and when I bought it, it originally had long sleeves, which I didn't mind.  But after a few wears, I stained the sleeve with red wine.  The top was such a classic that rather than throw it out, I decided to take it to a tailor, requested the sleeves be removed and voila!  A new top to wear with my floral print skirt.  Would you give a floral pencil skirt a try for a summertime work outfit?

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