Why You Need A Packing List for Vacation + 3 To Download

When it comes to traveling, there's nothing I love more than prepping with a packing list.  There are millions of reasons why a traveling packing list is a great idea.  One of them being, I'm a mess when it comes to packing.  I have to use a packing list when traveling otherwise I will inevitably forget something important.  Like taking a vacation to Mexico and forgetting the bathing suit type of important.  Here are a few reasons why you need a packing list when it comes to any travel or vacation!

In need of the perfect Vacation Packing List to help you pack for your next vacation? Conni shares her packing lists recommendations to keep you organized! art in the find styling | packing list | vacation packing list | packing for vacation ideas | travel packing list |

Why You Should Pack for Vacation Using a Packing List

Traveling is one of my obsessions and with it comes the hum-drum of packing.  Despite the utter joy I have for arriving to a destination, I absolutely despise the part of packing that comes before the arrival.  It's probably because in years' past, I would wait until the last minute to pack.  Packing usually goes a little something like this in our household:

  • Husband: "I need two t-shirts, two pairs of shorts, a pair of flip-flops, maybe a suit (if it's a wedding),  my toothbrush, and SD hat."  30 minutes more or less later and he's done.
  • Me:  (Staring, longingly into my iPhone/closet/pacing back and forth..) "I'm just checking the weather, I know I had that scarf in here somewhere.  Okay, where are we going to dinner again?  I'll wear a short dress, no maybe a floor length, oh heck, I'll take both...and shoes?"  Don't get me started.  (Picture a whirlwind of brunette hair moving from bedroom, to bathroom, to hallway, back to bedroom.)
  • Husband:  (Who's now done packing....just staring at me)
  • Me: "Stop staring at me, you're making me nervous."

1 || Not using a packing list leads to forgetting important items

It may or may not come as a surprise to you, from someone who loves clothing as much as I do,  that it is so difficult for me to pack for a trip.  In the past this was because I didn't use a packing list.  More often than not, I would find that as soon as we've jumped into the cab to head to the airport, or hit the open road to drive, north, south, east, or west, I would remember the one thing I forgot to pack.  Naturally, that's so me.  And it's usually not the something you can swing by a Rite Aid or Walgreens for.

2 || Using a packing list leads to a better night's sleep prior to the trip

If you're anything like me, you wake up sometimes in the middle of the night with a thought or idea that you want to write down.  Using a packing list will help subdue some of this anxiety.  Not all of it, perhaps, but most definitely a majority of it.  If you can check it off your packing list, chances are you'll have most of what you need.  Which will lead to a much better night's sleep before heading on that vacation of yours.

3 || Printing a Hard Copy Helps with Organization for Organization's Sake

Now that we can use things like the 'notes app' in our phones, it's so much easier to jot down notes and stay organized.  That being said, I still love a good printable packing list to check off as I pack.  There are a slue of adorable, already-created vacation packing lists on the web.  I print my vacation packing lists and put them in my suitcase to look at as I go.

I promise you, using a packing list for vacation is a sure-fire way to have positive packing experience!  Here are some of the most useful one's I've found from around the web that you can click on and print out in no time.

Vacation Packing List | Art in the Find

Glitter Guide Packing List

Planning your next vacation? Don't forget to start with a great packing list! Here are 3 of my favorite packing lists for your next vacation. Click to see the post!

List via

Travel Packing Apps that Work Wonders!

If you're not a fan of the printable vacation packing list, we live in such a digital age now that there are some amazing apps out there to help.

1 || Packr || Travel Packing Checklist

Packr is a great and free to download.  You can upgrade to premium for a few more packing options.  There are some limitations to the app, such as not

2 || Packing List Checklist

The Packing List Checklist has a clean esthetic (which makes starting out with a packing list even better) and categories that you get to pick out and manage.  This is a great app for camping and vacation packing lists.

3 || Trip List

Trip list is a great, basic packing app that also includes the weather for where you're traveling to in the world.   On the app, you can make a packing list once and continue to use it for future travels (which in my mind, is a huge time saver!).

Have any tips, time saver tricks, or travel hacks for packing?  I'd love to hear them!  I'm constantly updating this list and would love to add your suggestions.  xx, Conni