Classic Solo Eyewear Sunglasses You Need for Summer

Looking for a great new pair of sunglasses from a local San Diego brand? Check out Solo Eyewear on Art in the Find.  Click to read the interview and learn more.

Over the last few months, I've been researching more and more into great San Diego brands.  Solo Eyewear is one of those brands.  They're a little bit chic and a little bit causal all wrapped up into one awesome brand with a great purpose.  Hint? Each time you purchase a pair of Solos, someone in need gets their eye care funded.  I interviewed Jenny & Dana of Solo Eyewear to get a glimpse into their brand & business practices.

Sunglasses are great for any season.  Learn more about the brand Solo from San Diego and find out about their cause on Art in the Find.  Click to read the post

Not only is this brand all about San Diego lifestyle, they have a great vision for where their business is going to go in the coming years.  They've got an amazing mission and you've got to read it. Without further adieu, here is our interview:

Art in the Find: What makes your brand & company unique?

Jenny & Dana from Solo: Several things make SOLO Eyewear unique.

Our glasses fund eye care for people in need.  We use recycled bamboo to construct the temples of our glasses and we work with local artists to provide customers with a one of a kind, hand-painted line of SOLOs.  We are women owned and we work with a group of female artisans in Guatemala to construct our sunglasses bags and cords. We do so in an effort to help lift them and their families out of poverty.

Solo Eyewear | Art in the Find

AF:  How'd the initial brand get started? What path led you to where you are today?

SOLO: The journey started in a classroom at SDSU in the Spring 2010. I was enrolled in an international entrepreneurship course at SDSU and in that course, I read the book Out of Poverty by Paul Polak. Polak discussed the need for eye care in the world and I was immediately intrigued. I have poor vision and never did I stop to think how blessed I am to have access to eyecare and glasses. I started doing research and learned that 1 billion people do not have access to eye care and nearly 80% of blindness is preventable. This was a call to action. I spent about a year doing research, talking with other entrepreneurs and then decided to launch the company in 2011. With a $1100 loan from my younger brother and Dana's help, Solo Eyewear became a reality!

AF:  What's your favorite part about what you (the business) does?

SOLO:  I love having the freedom to create. We are constantly thinking of new ideas to maximize our impact in the world and to have the freedom to pick an idea and run with it is exciting.

solo eyewear | Art in the Find

AF:  What is the essence of your brand?

SOLO: We are a lifestyle brand that believes in taking care of our planet and the people on it.

AF: Where do you find your inspiration for the company and for the designs?

SOLO: I find inspiration through a number of things and people in my life, but I would have to say the feeling of gratitude inspires me the most. I am incredibly grateful for the blessings in my life - family, friends, good health, support. I realize the best way to show gratitude is through compassion and helping others.

Solo sunglasses | Art in the Find

AF:  How has the design of the sunglasses, or your brand, evolved over the years?  What contributes to that evolution?

SOLO: Our designs have evolved tremendously. We've learned so much about sunglass design and manufacturing. Throughout that process, we've made great strides in crafting a high quality line of glasses.  Quality is the main reason for our evolution. We work with high quality materials and have tweaked details about our frames to make them stronger and more durable. It's a process and we're getting better every day.

Learn more about Solo Sunglasses, the women owned San Diego Brand on Art in the Find

--------------- Thank you Jenny and Dana for letting Art in the Find know more about your fantastic company and all the good it strives to do!  If you're in the market for new sunnies (and who isn't??) check out Solo online, they're having a deal on free shipping, or head over to one of their events if your in San Diego or Austin, TX.