3 Tips to Master the Floral Print Pant

3 Tips for Mastering Floral Pants | floral pants outfit | wearing florals | floral pant outfit work | womens fashion | womens style | street style | spring outfits | work outfits spring |

Rocking a Floral Print Pants Outfit

I did a closet purge last week which something that I regularly do.  Mid-way through any season, I tend to find myself getting caught in the rotation of the same pieces of clothing, multiple times throughout the week.  Do you find that?  Maybe it's because it's easy to grab something I know I love to wear or maybe it's because I'm feeling a slight bit lazy in the morning.  Secret goal? Making it a point to set out my outfit the night before.  I swear it would benefit me and leave me more time sipping my coffee rather than scurrying out the door each morning.

But back to the closet purge.  I do it because it just feels. so. good.  I love those little piles of clothes I haven't worn in a year (or have overworn and need to replace) ready to be donated, or as my co-workers are evidence of, ready to be tried on and handed off to a loving new owner.  Once the closet purge has commenced and come to an end, I make a pretty good effort of seeing what I need to replenish.  I do it around this time of year because the spring pieces are starting to emerge in store windows and online.

The Ryan-Fit Textured floral print pant from Banana Republic with knit sweater and pink fringe bag from H&M on Art in the Find

white knit sweater & floral pants with blue bow shoes from Kate Spade on Art in the Find

Featured outfit for spring is a floral print pant from Banana Republic with a white knit sweater and blue bow shoes from Kate Spade on Art in the Find

The perfect spring outfit with a slim floral pant and knit sweater from Banana Republic and Loft paired with denim bow flats,

How to Wear Floral Print Pants on Art in the Find

How to Wear a Floral Print Pant with denim flats and a knit sweater on Art in the Find

This mid-winter, early-spring shopping is usually full of new colors, prints, and patterns, which is one of my favorite times to shop. I don't plan on spending a whole lot but I do want to add in a few more key spring pieces to my closet.  I have to say, this winter, it's been more of a struggle to maintain my style at work.  Maybe it's just that I'm still adjusting to the colder climate or maybe it's that I didn't have the proper winter wear.  Whatever it may be, I am looking forward to shedding my winter wardrobe in turn for brighter, lighter pieces to pair into my everyday work attire.

One of my favorite trends each spring are when the floral pieces hit the shelves.  Be it a skirt, a top, or a pant, floral prints are some of my very favorite.  Floral pants might not be a favorite for every lady out there.  They can often be intimidating to some and masterful to others. But I do think that given some inspiration, floral prints can be a favorite in your wardrobe too.

3 Tips for Pairing Floral Prints into Your Wardrobe

1 | Floral Balance |

If you tend to carry your weight on the bottom, pair a floral print on the top.  Vice versa if you're larger on top.  Why?  Your eye is drawn to print, so if you're wanting to try a floral print but haven't been able to figure it out, start wearing florals in an area of your body you're most confident about.

2 | Small floral prints vs. large |

Depending on how large or small the floral print of your choice happens to be, larger prints tend to appear less "busy" to the eye.  If you're a floral newbie, opt for a larger printed floral pant or top vs. a smaller, busier print.  Also, color is a major player.  Lighter color floral prints might be an easier route for you to start with.

3 | Pair with a minimal second piece |

Lighter colors also tend to draw less attention to the eye.  If you're wanting to blend subtlety with a bright floral print, opt for a lighter color, no print, and you'll feel a lot more comfortable!

Given these 3 tips, you've got every reason to rock great floral pants for work or on the weekend, am I right?  Which tip do you find most helpful?



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