Twirling in a Pink Tulle Skirt Outfit

Over the last two weeks, we've moved from our home in San Diego, driven across the country, and landed in our new home of Toronto for the next two years.  It's been a whirlwind to say the least.  So I thought it fitting to celebrate while twirling in a pink tulle skirt outfit.  Our adventures have gone a little something like this...

A blush tulle skirt and white tee shirt outfit on Art in the Find. Click to read the post

T-Shirt and blush Tulle Skirt | Photographs by Anjuli

Celebrating a BIG move with a Pink Tulle Skirt Outfit

During these last fourteen days, I've gone through new and adventurous situations.  Like how to pack your life in one car and a moving van.  There was no way to prepare for the new experiences (learning that a dear friend lost her mother the day we arrived in Toronto).  But it's caused me to do a bit of reflecting on those experiences.

Life is futile, life is important, and life moves quickly.  It's worth taking chances and exploring the side of you that makes you want to take a leap of faith.  Life is not about apologies but realizing that paths are driven depending on situations.  It's about making memories that you can hold on to, be proud of, and look back and smile at.

If this post finds its way to you at a time when you're questioning life's circumstances, decide what kind of life you want to have. I must remind myself this daily.  Surround yourself with intent.  The kind that radiates out to others in a way that gives you the thrill of twirling around in a pink tulle skirt outfit.  Which is my stylish way of saying to be proud of your accomplishments, even if they're not always perfect.

We may not all get the opportunity to say the right goodbye, or a goodbye at all.  Because life moves at such a quick pace.  But living a life that you can look back on and say, "I did everything I could have, would have, and should have in that moment" makes for a life lived, indeed.

A blush tulle skirt and white tee shirt outfit on Art in the Find. Click to read the post

Styling a blush tulle skirt and white tee shirt on Art in the Find. Click to read the post!

T Shirt and Tulle Skirt | Art in the Find

*This post is dedicated to my dear friend Leslie, and her beautiful mother Kathy, who is up in heaven smiling down on us & lived a life of all of the above. I love you dear friend.*

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