Tips for Keeping Your Skin Hydrated from Winter to Spring

how to keep your skin hydrated with skinfix from winter to spring, skinfix,

I've always been told that I have pretty dry skin.  Whenever I see an aesthetician, one of the first questions they always ask me is, "how much water do you drink every day?"  without fail.  During the end of winter and beginning of spring, this is especially so for me.  I imagine that many of you face the same struggles keeping your skin hydrated? Recently I started integrating a few (easy) things into my daily routine that have really, really helped to rehydrate my skin.

tips for keeping your skin hydrated, hydrating your skin, skinfix,

1 | Drink a glass of (warm) water (with lemon) first thing each morning.  This is one of the things I try to do each day.  As soon as I wake up, before I walk to the shower, I warm up a small pot of water on the stove.  Then I squeeze a bit of lemon into a cup of water and drink it before I get into the shower.  It's one simple way to start your day that will help in keeping skin hydrated.

keeping skin hydrated from winter to spring with skinfix, skinfix lotion,

skinfix lotion on Art in the Find

2 | Moisturize with lotion right before bed.  Another routine of mine is to set a jar or container of lotion right by my bedside and lather up right before I start reading (or before my head hits the pillow).  One of my favorite and affordable winter products that I've been carrying with me and leaving bedside is SkinFix.  The Ultra Rich Body Butter is one of my go-to's for keeping my skin hydrated in the winter/pre-spring weather.  This is one of my favorites for keeping skin hydrated from night into morning!

3 | Yogurt & Oatmeal.  Yogurt & Oatmeal are anti-inflammatories and can be a great way to start your day, meal-wise.  You can also them as a natural mask when your skin is feeling tight and dry.

4 | Essential Oils.  When I was in Paris over the summer, one of my roomies brought with her lavender and lemon essential oils that she put into a mini air nebulizer at night.  What a difference it made in the air!  I woke up feeling refreshed and I noticed a difference in my skin.  Now back in Toronto, I use oils both on my skin (in addition to my lotion routine) and in the air most nights of the week.  I love them!

I hope these 4 tips help you as the weather transitions from winter to spring, as I know they've helped me in this colder/dry Toronto weather.  What tips do you have that help keep your skin hydrated?


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 *This post was sponsored by SkinFix.  All opinions are my own and I only share products that I love!